BBA Business Administration
Complete list of Colleges / Universities in Pakistan offering Bba Business Administration program is available here.
Bba Business Administration Fee Structure
The government and private sector educational institutes offer admission in BBA course, which is usually two years long and the students can apply for grant of admission in this discipline by passing their exams at the intermediate level. The students, who study business or commerce or economics, they are allowed to get admission in this program but the fee structure in the public and private colleges are varied and there may be big difference among the fee of the government and private colleges.
The fee is added with admission fee, tuition fee, enrollment or registration fee and other charges but most of the charges are paid once in a year and there are some of the charges, which are calculated on the monthly basis. The students will have to pay fee of Rs.100,000/- to Rs.150,000/- per year in the private colleges but the students will pay the fee of Rs.50,000/- to Rs.100,000/- in the government colleges on the yearly basis.
Bba Business Administration Eligibility Criteria
The students can apply for admission, when they meet the eligibility criteria and they must have passed their 12th class exams with good marks. The candidates will read other requirements, which are necessary to get admission in BBA program.
Bba Business Administration Admission 2025
The students, who want to get admission in the BBA program, they must know that their qualification must be intermediate with excellent marks. The admissions are offered to the students in the public or private sector colleges. The students must read about the requirements to get admission in the BBA discipline and they can send their application forms online.