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BISE Sahiwal 11th Class Re-Admission / Re-Enrolment Schedule 2024-26

BISE Sahiwal 11th Class Re-Admission / Re-Enrolment Schedule 2024-26

Sahiwal, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sahiwal has announced the complete schedule for grant of admission as regular students under BISE Sahiwal 11th Class Re-Admission / Re-Enrolment Schedule 2024-26. The students, who will be declared successful in the matric class annual exams, they will be allowed to apply for admission in the public and private sector colleges and higher secondary schools by submitting their application forms without late fee from 02-10-2024 to 31-10-2024. The students, who have appeared in the annual exams but could not succeed in the exams, they can apply for the re-admission in the inter class.

Sahiwal Board 1st Year Registration Fee Schedule

The students of Sahiwal Board will note the rate of the registration and admission fee and the students will pay the fee to the board to get admission in the relevant class and start their academic career. The students will note the enrolment fee of Rs.2230/- per student. In case of change of subject / group, the students will pay the fee of Rs.2400/- along with group correction fee of Rs.2200/-.

BISE Sahiwal 11th Class Re-Admission / Re-Enrolment Schedule 2024-26

BISE Sahiwal 11th Class Re-Admission / Re-Enrolment Schedule 2024-26

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Shakir Bhutto
Matrix class result comfrom date sheet
Karachi2024-10-04 20:09:01
Kausar Brohi
When results will announced
Karachi2024-10-04 18:05:16

BISE Results Intermediate & Matric
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