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SEF Announces SSESP Scholarship for Admission 2024-25

SEF Announces SSESP Scholarship for Admission 2024-25

The students, who are getting education primary class for 2024-25 in the schools of SE&LD and SEF and now these students want to get admission in the post primary education in the quality education schools. The students can avail the Sindh School Education Scholarship Program 2024-25 to get admission in the quality schools. The candidates can get the latest updates of SEF Announces SSESP Scholarship for Admission 2024-25. The candidates are asked to forward their application forms by the target date of 21-05-2024.

SSESP Admission Test Date

The candidates, who seek admission in the government schools, they submit their application forms for SSESP and their entry test will be conducted on 09-06-2024. The candidates will get the latest updates of the admission and admission test schedule.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The students must enroll in the government school in the class 5 in the government schools come under SE&LD and SEF.

  • The candidates must have studied in the government schools minimum three years including primary class.

  • The students must be resident of Sindh province and live in the district, in which they currently live.

  • The age of the students must not over 12 years on 21-05-2024.

The students will read the instructions to apply for admission in the government schools under the SSESP scholarships. The students will follow them at the time of applying for admission and get admission in the government schools in the respective class.

SEF Announces SSESP Scholarship for Admission 2024-25

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Raza Muhammad
Aslam o alaikum sir ! My name is Raza I want to join this scholarship please guide me
Karachi2024-04-26 21:15:19

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